Esk Valley Theatre

Glaisdale, near Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK

Can You Sponsor Us?

Why sponsor EVT?

Without sponsorship EVT could not exist. We believe that rural audiences should have access to professional theatre. It can play an important role in society and can bring significant cultural and economic benefits. Many businesses have enjoyed extra turnover thanks to the theatre's success.

You can be a part of that success by sponsoring EVT. This helps ensure that the theatre survives and continues to make a contribution to the quality of life in this wonderful part of the country.

Should you decide to sponsor us, you will have the option of appearing in our list of sponsors posted on the Web site and the opportunity to link to your business.

For more information, please telephone us on 01947 897587 to have an informal chat about how you can help our business and we can help yours.

'Alternatively you can email Sheila at

Thank you.

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